My name is Debbie Sawczak,
and I’m an editor.
I can’t help it.

One should not aim at being possible to understand,
but at being impossible to misunderstand.

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I’m in the Greater Toronto Area in Ontario, Canada, with clients in Canada, the US, and the UK (so far).

I’m quite a lot older than this now.

Great text doesn’t just happen.

A good writer has something interesting or useful to say and strives to articulate it as effectively and skilfully as possible. Really good ones then bounce their writing off other thoughtful people who also have skill with words.

A good editor is one of those people—practised at “listening” to the text, seeing the big picture, noticing details and gaps, adjusting, tightening, and polishing, all while preserving the writer’s voice and keeping the audience in mind. A good editor doesn’t just fix grammar, but improves clarity, economy, flow, and tone. Every text can benefit from an editor’s eye.

My connections to text are many.

Editing is a passion of mine. I’ve always been in love with language. After teaching French for a few years, I went back to school to study linguistics, and then landed my dream job: working on dictionaries. I loved capturing different nuances of meaning and expressing them in other words. I branched out to other kinds of editing on the side, and later began working freelance. I’ve been an editor since 1990, working on almost every kind of text you can think of.

Other connections? For 15 of my freelance years I also worked in an independent bookstore, ultimately becoming the manager.
I’m a reader.
I’m a published poet, too. I know what it’s like to be a writer and have my work critiqued.

Book Manuscripts

I’ve edited personal memoirs, workbooks, textbooks, works of reference, self-help books, and philosophical, historical, and religious books. I’ve converted workshops and university courses into books. And I’ve also edited a few novels and novellas.

Articles, Blogs,
& Newsletters

These include personal essays and self-help blogs, articles on a variety of themes, and bulletins narrating and highlighting the work of nonprofits for their supporting communities.

Academic papers

In the humanities and social sciences, I help undergraduates and graduate students alike with essays, research papers, theses, and dissertations.


Business texts

I’ve also edited brochures, reports, PowerPoint presentations, and proposals.

I like writers. I like interacting with them over their work and partnering with them to express their ideas.

What People Say


“I was impressed by how quickly
you understood
our industry and objectives.
A 10 out of 10!”

— Daniel McKenzie


“Your work on my behalf was superlative! It was such a pleasure working with you.”

— Dr. Victor Shepherd

“I’m deeply grateful… I’ve no doubt that without your skilful editing,
neither of my books would have
met with success.”

— Joe Schuringa


“Without fail, my writing has become a tighter, clearer, and more fluid read.”

— Sophie Vandenberg